Brother Matt Pekar unpacks to go containers Worthy Grand Knight Stephen Wilhelm masked up and ready to hand out mealsWGK Stephen hands a meal to a client of the Branford CDR Brothers Joe Byrne and Matt Pekar dish up pulled pork to go
January’s Family of the Month goes to the Smith Family. Presenting here is Father Glen, DGK Andy Perrone, Steve Schambach, Father Keefe and GK Stephen Wilhelm.
Our Council has brought back our annual Free Throw Championship. Thank you PGK Protais for organizing this event and to DGK Andy Perrone, PGK Mark Distasio, PGK Joe Byrne, PGK Matt Pekar, Brothers Kevin Trudeau, Marc van den Broeck for their assistance. We had a good showing of 13 participants and all winners in each age group moves onto District Championship!
Father Keefe, GK Stephen Wilhelm, and Family Director Steve Schambach presents Stella Maris Council 10’s December 2019 Family of The Month to Kevin Trudeau,his Wife Renee, their children, Mathew, Brendan, Samantha and Jacob. The Trudeau Family also won the State Council’s December Family of The Month.
Sal Pannone, Ron Lemieux And GK Stephen WilhelmJohm Meriano, Sal Pannone and DGK Andy PerroneBob Russell, Ron Lemieux, PGK Stephen Montano and PGK Mark DiStasio
GK Stephen Wilhelm, Fred Acquavita and DGK Andy Perrone at Farnam House giving out the new coats that were purchased from funds raised at the Coat Drive.PGK Stephen Montano, PGK Joe Byrne and PGK Matt Hally sorting out coats.Brother Liam Cotter, DGK Andy Perrone and Brother John Pirtel sorting coats
Our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson seen here addressing the 1st set of Candidates for the New Degree Ceremony at St Mary’s in New Haven where it all began. In attendance one of our newest Members Jason Giardiello and Grand Knight Stephen Wilhelm
Neal Millane and Matt HallyDGK Andy Perrone PGK John Mooney
JamesPiergrossi DougEschrich PGK Matt Pekar
November 3rd Squire Matt Hally organized a Pancake Breakfast to help fund his Eagle Scout Project “Wreaths Across America”. Council 10 pitching in to help him reach his goal.
Left to Right Brothers Andy Perrone, George Higgins, Stephen Montano, Stephen Wilhelm, John Kunde, Sal Pannone and Liam Cotter. Over 55 meals were served to the homeless at Columbus House in New Haven.
Stella Marris Council 10 working together cooking for our Parish Picnic.
Brothers Jeff Klarman and Hank BassiBrothers Andy Perrone and Neal MillaneLeft to right, Brothers, Doug Eschrich, Hank Bassi, Al Paulsen, Andy Perrone, Jeff Klarman and Matt HalleyLeft to right Brothers, Steve Schambach, Mark Eschrich, Neal Millane, Andy Perrone and in front at the grill Doug Eschrich
L to R: Joe Byrne, Jack Barletta, Steve Wilhelm, Neil Millane, Stephen Montano, Jeff Klarman, Matt Pekar, Ron Lemieux, Protais Tala, Ron Shea and Nick Vamvakis
Front row L to R Robert Russell, Tony DePino,, Sal Pannone, Cliff Schexnayder, Liam Cotter, Nick Vamvakis. 2nd row L to R Steve Schambach, Stephen Wilhelm. 3rd Row L to R Ed Jansen, Jeff Klarman, Tom Fitzgerald, Al Paulsen, Ray Falkoff, Andy Perrone, Ron Lamiux, Joe Byrne, John Mooney, Matt Hally
August 17th, 2019. Stella Maris Council 10 and Cornerstone join forces to help out on this event. Breakfast and lunch was served as the Veterans were enjoying their day fishing.
New officers have been elected for 2019-2021. Congratulations to those appointed and elected to office moving forward, and THANK YOU to outgoing officers and appointees. Please select “Officers” from the main menu to see our 2019-2021 officers and appointees.
Neal Millane and Sal panoneBob RussellMark Peruzzi Sal PanoneMark Distasio Jeff Klarman Neal Millane, George Higgins and Protais TalaMatt Hally and George Higgins SalNeal
Awards night for the Knight of the Year Steve Schambach and recipients of the James T Reynolds award PGK Stephen Montano, GK Joe Byrne and Nelson Barnabucci
Nelson Barnabucci accepts his award
PGK Stephen Montano speaks after receiving The James T Reynolds Award Grand Knight and James T Reynolds Award recipient Joe Byrne and wife Erin
Standing left to right Protais Tala, Tom Fitzgerald, Sal Pannone, Bob Russell, Mark Hally, John Toste, Joe Byrne, Hank Bassi, Andrew Debenedictus, John Schmid Kneeling Liam Cotter and Joe Genua
Liam Cotter and Joe Genua grill up some burgers
Protais and Sal prep vegetables for the next days meal
John Toste (foreground) and Tom Fitzgerald plate the meals to be served
Squires Andrew and Mark get ready to do the dishes
Left to right Spencer Mariotti, Tom Fitzgerald, Andrew Byrne, Stephen Montano, Bob Russell,Hank Bassi, Liam Cotter, Jack Barletta, Joe Genua, Sal Pannone and Joe Byrne
Joe Genua doing the dishes
Bob Russel prepping vegetables
Bob, Sal and Jack getting it done
Hank Bassi suiting up
Hank Bassi and Stephen Montano
Spencer, Andrew , Sal and Jack working hard
Future Knights Andrew and Spencer provide table service to the clients of the Community Dining Room as Jack Barletta does the dishes
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