Parish Mobile App

Our Parish has developed an app for smart phones and tablets.  Our Council is signed up for this and we encourage everyone in our council to download the app. WGK Joe Byrne, WDGK Stephen Wilhelm and WR Andy Perrone are our ministry’s moderators for this program. If you have any questions please contact any of the following Brothers:

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8.14.17 The Move to Email Newsletters

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Category : Council 10

Many members of our council already access the internet and/or email every week. As we discussed at our August 14, 2017 meetings, we can save a substantial sum of money by only printing and mailing a small quantity of council newsletters to any remaining members who do not yet have access to our news online via a website visited from a public computer or via an email address.

This website contains an archive of business meeting minutes and newsletters so that any member with access to the web may view our newsletters, even members without email today.