2020 January’s Family of The Month
January’s Family of the Month goes to the Smith Family. Presenting here is Father Glen, DGK Andy Perrone, Steve Schambach, Father Keefe and GK Stephen Wilhelm.
Serving the Saint John Bosco Parish of Branford, Connecticut
January’s Family of the Month goes to the Smith Family. Presenting here is Father Glen, DGK Andy Perrone, Steve Schambach, Father Keefe and GK Stephen Wilhelm.
GK Stephen Wilhelm and Father Keefe presents a $50 gift card to the Winner of the Delta Church Drive Raffle, Brother Marc van den Broeck.
November 3rd Squire Matt Hally organized a Pancake Breakfast to help fund his Eagle Scout Project “Wreaths Across America”. Council 10 pitching in to help him reach his goal.
Left to Right Brothers Andy Perrone, George Higgins, Stephen Montano, Stephen Wilhelm, John Kunde, Sal Pannone and Liam Cotter. Over 55 meals were served to the homeless at Columbus House in New Haven.
Stella Marris Council 10 working together cooking for our Parish Picnic.
August 17th, 2019. Stella Maris Council 10 and Cornerstone join forces to help out on this event. Breakfast and lunch was served as the Veterans were enjoying their day fishing.
Category : Council 10 Council 10 Pictures
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