Category Archives: Council 10 Pictures

Monastic Work!

Council 10 members working at the Monastery earlier this year:

Bottom Row L to R:Tom Martone ,Tom Fitzgerald, Bob Russell, ___,Al Paulsen,Stephen Wilhelm

Top Row: Matt Hally

Photo: _________

4.30.17 New Fourth Degree Members St. Mary Church New Haven

The three fellows at the lower right of this picture are new Sir Knights from Council 10.  Thank you to the Council 10 members (also pictured below, but, admittedly a bit harder to find) who came out to support them on this great day!

Far Right (L to R): Stephen Schambach, Ed Kirk, Neal Millane

Photo: ____

2016 Steak and Cigar Night

Council 10 members pull out all the stops on Steak & Cigar Night.  Below they are shown giving a traditional Weber grill all it can handle!

Pictured Above: Neal Millane

Pictured Below: ____(far left), Stephen Montano, _____

Photos: ______

2016 Steak and Cigar Night

When you look up “Fraternity”, here’s what you should see: more enjoyment at the Steak & Cigar Night!

L to R: Stephen Montano, ____, _____, _____

Photo: _______

2016 Closer to Free

You were expecting to see Council 10 members below “feeling the burn” after a long bike ride, but all we see below is a feeling the joy!  Is that the endorphins?  Or is this the “before” picture?

L to R: Stephen Montano, Anthony Paecht, Stephen Wilhelm

Photo: ________

8.5.17 Installation of Officers

The Installation of Officers was held on Saturday, August 5 after the 5 pm mass at St. Mary Church and dinner followed in the Parish Hall starting at 6 pm.

L to R: John Mooney, Al Vignola, Bob Russell, Andy Perrone, Stephen Montano, Neal Millane, Stephen Wilhelm, Matt Hally, Joe Byrne, Tony DeCaprio, Jeff Klarman, Rev. Keefe, Rev. Glen, Marc Ritchie 

